Our Church
Our Mission Statement: 'Learning and growing together in Christian friendship', encapsulates the Christian ethos of our Church school. Our Golden Rule is to 'Respect ourselves, each other and our school' which reflects our Christian values. Within the family of our school we have a range of Christian beliefs. We welcome people of other faiths and beliefs. We have very high expectations that all members of our school community will support the Christian values of our school.
The church, St Benedict Biscop, can be accessed down through the church yard which is situated over the main road. Maintaining our tradition of strong church/school links is very important to us. Reverend Brown from St Benedict Biscop leads Collective Worship at school every Friday morning as well as being our Chair of Governor.
Children from our school lead services throughout the school year, particularly at the end of term. Within these services, they read the lessons and prayers, act, sing in the school choir, help with the offertory and welcome members of the congregation. We are very proud of the quality of their contributions: so many children show a high level of confidence in reading in public and in singing within a choir. Often they write the prayers themselves and demonstrate strong spiritual development within their work.
Church website: www.stbenedictbiscop.org.uk