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Our maths curriculum focusses on 'ambition for all' and is designed to ensure that our pupils are fluent, confident and inquisitive mathematicians. We ensure that children develop a love for mathematics, with a deep understanding of concepts, which provide them with a foundation for understanding the world. Our maths curriculum gives children opportunities to reason, problem solve and demonstrate mathematical fluency. Our belief is that maths is taught most effectively in small steps, keeping children together, and aiming for deep understanding.


Please feel free to take a look at our calculation policy, to see how concepts are taught. You will also find progression documents for each year group. Maths homework is sent home once a week and is linked to what the children have learnt that week in school. If your child is finding something challenging, please send the class teacher a Dojo message. 



Useful Websites for Parents

Early Years

Numberblocks - CBeebies - BBC
Sing along and learn all about the numbers from 1 to 10.

StBens Number Blocks Image.png

Subitising | Numeracy | Early Years - BBC Bitesize
Learn how you can help you child at home. This link gives a simple explanation of what ‘subitising’ is and how you can help you child practise maths in this way at home. In short, subitising is the skill of instantly recognising the number of items in a group without counting them. It encourages a stronger understanding of number.


Subitising Activities for Kids | The Importance of Teaching Subitising | Teach Starter
A range of fun craft activities for practising maths using ‘subitising’ at home.

Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFS)

Each year there are a number of key facts which children need to learn. Having a secure recall of these facts will help your child significantly as they move through school. Within classes these facts are revisited often so that children can use them within their work. We have broken these facts into half terms and the children are tested in class to ensure that they have secure knowledge. Below are the key facts broken down by each year group. If you are able to quiz your child on the facts they should know or help them to practise any they are unsure of this will help them to make great progress in maths.




1-Minute Maths on the App Store (
This app is free to download! It is aimed at Key Stage 1 pupils. It has individual one-minute tasks, which focus on adding and subtracting – and on ‘Subitising’.


Learn to Count with fun Counting Games for KS1 Children (
This website has lots of free and interactive maths games.

St Bens - White Rose Maths.png

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
Hit the Button is a fantastic website for all children in KS2!  It covers essential aspects of number, including: number bonds, doubles, halves, times tables, division facts and square numbers (year 5 and 6 only for square numbers).

St Bens - Hit The Button Image.png

Times Tables Rock Stars ( - TT Rockstars is great fun and used for learning times tables facts. All children in KS2 at St Benedicts will have their own logon for this.



Addition and Subtraction Games for Children ( - This website has lots of free and interactive maths games.



Year 5 and 6 – Fractions and decimals games. In Year 5 and 6, fractions and decimals make up a big part of the mathematics curriculum. Encourage your child to play on these games to help build their confidence and understanding of the tricky concepts! Fractions and Decimals Maths Games (



Year 6 arithmetic practise – Two great links for practising arithmetic style questions in Year 6:


Y6 Arithmetic Practice - Mathsframe

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